Wildlife Removal – How to Get Rid of a Nuisance Wildlife Problem Before It Gets Out of Hand

A nuisance wildlife problem can cause damage to your property and a health risk for you and your family. It may also affect your ability to enjoy your backyard.

Before hiring a wildlife removal specialist, request a detailed quote. Ask the company if it offers warranties and guarantees. This can be a good indicator of its confidence in its work. Contact Wildlife Removal Dallas now!

If you have wild animals in your home or business, contact a professional wildlife removal specialist to handle the problem before it gets out of hand. Unlike pest control companies, which spray poison to kill insects, wildlife removal specialists trap and remove animals without hurting them. The first step in the process involves thoroughly inspecting your space to identify and assess the problem. These professionals have the equipment and training to reach attics, crawl spaces, and other hard-to-reach places where wild animals live or hide.

Animals such as squirrels, raccoons, birds, and bats can cause extensive damage to homes and businesses. In addition to structural damage and costly repairs, these creatures can transmit serious illnesses and parasites to people and pets. Some common diseases that these animals can transmit include leptospirosis, ringworm, salmonellosis, and many more.

Some homeowners insurance policies cover costs associated with animal damage. However, it is important to check with your specific policy to understand what types of wildlife-related damages are covered by the plan. It is also important to note that a lot of homeowner insurance policies only cover the cost of cleanup, not the repair or replacement of damaged structures or property.

If your insurance does not include coverage for wildlife related damages, you can hire a professional wildlife removal company to help with the problem. These experts will not only trap and remove the animals, but they will also clean up the mess and repair any structural or other damage caused by the animal. They will also implement preventive measures to keep wildlife away from your property.

While there are many different animal removal services, not all are qualified or licensed. When hiring a wildlife removal company, it is best to choose one with years of experience and excellent reviews online. You should also ensure that the company has liability insurance and a license in pest control or wildlife management.

Wildlife removal services typically work with both domestic and wild animals. Private wildlife removal services are a good choice when animal control cannot assist with the problem, for example, when animals are trapped in an attic or other living area of a home. They can also perform exclusion work to prevent wild animals from entering your home and causing damage.

Bird Removal

Bird droppings can cause damage to soffits, vents and roofs. They can also contaminate insulation in the attic, and their chirping can be distracting and annoying to homeowners and business owners. These birds can carry lice, mites and other pests that can affect people and animals. They also can clog gutters and lead to water back-up and structural problems.

Birds choose areas with safe nesting locations, plentiful food and shelter from predators to make their homes. In urban residential areas, house eaves, chimneys, gutters and rooftops can serve as ideal locations to build their nests. They can also contaminate and stain surfaces with their droppings, create fire hazards and spread disease to humans, pets and livestock.

There are several methods for humane bird control and removal. A trained wildlife technician can set traps and other deterrent devices around the property to prevent bird activity. In addition, the use of repellents and grid systems can help to keep birds off buildings, ledges, signs, roofs, parapet walls, balconies and other surfaces that could be used for nesting or roosting.

When trapped or sanitized, birds are usually relocated to a safe area, such as a nearby forest or lake. Some species may be kept in captivity or rehabilitated and returned to the wild. Generally, bird removal should only be performed by qualified wildlife technicians to avoid causing harm or injury to the animal.

Wildlife removal specialists should be familiar with the laws governing protected bird species and should be able to distinguish between different types of birds. They should know how to properly and humanely capture the bird, deodorize and sanitize the affected area. This is important because wildlife can leave behind pheromones that attract other animals and can be harmful to people, pets and livestock.

Wildlife cleanup and sanitation is just as vital as removing the animals themselves. The affected area should be sanitized and disinfected to remove any pests the animal left behind, as well as to dissipate the pheromones and other odors the animal left behind. This process can also ensure that no trace of the animal remains on the premises.

Bat Removal

Occasionally, bats find their way into homes and other buildings in search of food and shelter. Although bats are essential to our ecosystem, they can become a nuisance when large colonies roost in residential or commercial structures. They are known to spread diseases such as rabies and Histoplasmosis, which can be transmitted to humans or pets. Bat droppings also create a health risk because of their high concentration of pathogens.

A trained wildlife specialist can safely and humanely remove bats from homes or other buildings. The first step is to isolate the affected room or building. Then, open as many windows and doors leading to the outside as possible to help the bat escape. If the bat is still inside, cover the bat with a plastic tub, thick work gloves, and a piece of cardboard. Wait for the bat to land, and then slowly lift the cardboard up to trap it. Once the bat is trapped, use thick work gloves to pick it up and carry it outdoors.

Once the bat is removed, the home or other building must be cleaned thoroughly to get rid of all the guano and pathogens that it left behind. This is especially important because the guano can leave hard-to-remove stains on wood, brick, and other building materials. Bat guano can also attract other pests, such as cockroaches and mites.

When the bats are gone, the property owner must seal all entry points to prevent future re-infestation. This can be done at any time except from May through early September, when the bats are raising their young. This is an especially complex job because of state-specific laws, the potential for humane bat exclusion methods to be used improperly, and the fact that some species of bat cannot be evicted during their breeding season.

It is highly recommended that people hire a professional wildlife removal company for any animal problem, including bats. Absolutely zero do-it-yourself techniques for removing or controlling bats actually work (from catching and releasing the bats to decoys, noisemakers, and mothballs). Professional pest control companies are specially trained in humane bat exclusion and have the necessary equipment.

Rodent Removal

Rodents pose a significant threat to the health of indoor environments, bringing with them parasites, diseases, and damage to structures. They also create rodent droppings and urine that can contaminate food, water, and work surfaces. Taking the time to identify and correct rodent problems in and around buildings is vital to prevent costly damage to property and human health.

The best wildlife removal professionals are certified and trained to handle nuisance wildlife safely. They have extensive knowledge of the habits and behavior of a variety of animal species, including how to handle them and how to safely and effectively relocate them.

They will begin by performing a thorough inspection of the affected area, identifying the species and mapping out where they are nesting. In addition, they will assess the areas that need rodent control and any entry points that need to be closed. Once the inspection is complete, the proper wildlife removal methods can be implemented to effectively rid the area of pests and stop them from returning.

Generally, a wildlife control specialist will use traps to catch and remove unwanted animals from the property. They can also use rodent bait and poison, but this method is not recommended because it poses a health risk to pets and people and doesn’t address the underlying conditions that attract rodents to the building. In addition, dead rodents often end up in hard-to-reach spaces where they can cause unpleasant odors and create a fire hazard.

When trapping, it is important to follow all proper safety precautions and wear protective equipment such as gloves, face masks, eye protection, and long-sleeved shirts. In some situations, it may be necessary to spray the area with a disinfectant solution before disposing of the dead rodent or materials.

Nuisance wildlife like raccoons, opossums, squirrels, and skunks commonly cause damage to homes by making their way into attics, wall voids, crawl spaces, chimneys, and other uninhabited parts of the home. They also carry harmful diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets if not handled properly. If the animal is native to the environment, a credible wildlife removal company will transport it and give it a chance to live in the wild.