Beyond Relaxation: The Health Benefits of Massage

Massage Yakima is the rubbing or kneading of your body’s soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The benefits of massage are numerous and varied.


Research shows that therapeutic massage decreases cortisol, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, relaxes muscles, tendons nd ligaments, and improves circulation. It also helps break down scar tissue and releases toxins.

The act of massage itself reduces stress by lowering your heart rate, relieving tight muscles and releasing endorphins. It’s almost instinctual to give someone a hug or pat on the back to comfort them, and in some ways, massage is a formal version of that instinct. In fact, studies show that nurses who receive regular massage have a better quality of life than those who don’t1.

When you feel stressed, your body activates the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system (fight-or-flight) which causes your heart to beat faster, blood pressure to rise, and stress hormone production to increase in order to mobilize fuel stores in preparation for a perceived threat. Under chronic stress, this can lead to a wide variety of symptoms including high blood sugar levels, heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, muscle tension and depression.

Researchers have shown that the physiological effects of massage reduce stress by demonstrating changes in blood pressure, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, salivary cortisol, heart rate, oxygen consumption, and the Perceived Stress Scale, POMS Depression Score and Anxiety State Scale. Furthermore, several studies have shown that patients with fibromyalgia report a decreased level of pain and improved mood after a series of massage treatments2.

Research on massage has also indicated that when you’re in a state of relaxation, your immune system is enhanced. It is believed that massage promotes the production of serotonin, which is associated with feelings of happiness and well-being. Moreover, when your immune system is strong, you’re less susceptible to illness and your healing time from injury will be greatly reduced.

There are many things you can do to help alleviate stress, including exercise, deep breathing and meditation. However, massage is unique in that it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system response, which is your body’s rest-and-digest mode. In addition to reducing cortisol and adrenaline levels in the bloodstream, massage also helps decrease pain by triggering a release of natural opioids in your brain. That is why your stomach often rumbles at the end of a massage, as your body releases these pain-relieving chemicals.

Relieves Pain

Massage stimulates the body to circulate more freely – improving and promoting the flow of nutrients and oxygen throughout your system as well as facilitating removal of waste products. It increases your flexibility, range of motion, decreases pain and anxiety and enables your muscles to heal faster. This is why massage is increasingly used in health care settings with people suffering from chronic illness or injury, such as arthritis, cancer and back pain.

Studies have shown that incorporating massage therapy into the care of patients with chronic diseases can enhance quality of life and improve patient outcomes, including pain, mood, function, anxiety, and depression. It can also increase the occurrence of positive outcomes such as relaxation and improved sleep.

Many health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes are caused by poor circulation. Massage promotes the healthy flow of blood, allowing for the delivery of essential nutrients to tissues and organs, as well as the removal of waste products, such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid. The first technique used in a full-body therapeutic massage is called effleurage (skating or skimming), and involves stroking movements using the palms of both hands. It is the mainstay of most clinical massages and is often performed with varying speed, intensity and direction.

The friction between skin and fingers during a massage causes an increase in the temperature of both the superficial muscle tissue and deeper layers of fascia (a tough layer of fibrous connective tissue). This increases the circulation, relieves tension, tightness and stiffness, eases stress, helps you relax and reduces fatigue.

A study published in the journal of The International Journal of Sports Medicine demonstrated that massage reduced pain and anxiety in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, compared to a control group that received no touch therapies. The researchers concluded that the results were probably related to the release of hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine which have been shown to be released by stimulating the autonomic nervous system during a massage.

The gate-control theory of pain states that massage can be effective in reducing pain by inhibiting the transmission of painful stimuli to the brain by blocking the nerve endings. Massage may also stimulate the pressure receptors in the skin, which convey pain-reducing messages to the brain.

Boosts Immune System

It is no secret that getting a regular massage helps relieve stress and boosts immunity. However, did you know that it can also help your body fight off the flu and cold? This is because when you are stressed, your immunity is low, which makes you more susceptible to diseases. Stress is a major immunosuppressant, and it has been found that massage can drastically reduce the levels of cortisol in your body, thus improving immunity.

Another way that massage boosts immunity is by allowing your body to get enough sleep. Research has shown that there is a strong relationship between your immune system and the amount of sleep you get. This is because when you sleep well, your body can recharge and repair itself, which helps to improve immunity. However, it is not always easy to get enough sleep due to various factors, including stress and pain. Massage can help with this by reducing stress and relieving pain, which allows you to get more restful sleep.

Additionally, massage also stimulates your lymphatic system, which is important for boosting your immunity. This is because the lymph fluid circulates through the body, taking away toxins and pathogens and carrying them to your lymph nodes to be destroyed. When the lymphatic system is working properly, it is able to improve immunity.

A study conducted by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center found that people who received a 45-minute massage had an increased number of lymphocytes, which are the cells that play a role in defending your body against disease. The participants also had lower levels of inflammatory cytokines, which are substances that cause inflammation in the body.

Lastly, massage helps to eliminate toxins from your body. This is because toxins are foreign substances that have no business hanging around in your body. These substances include viruses, bacteria, chemicals, and allergens. Therapeutic massage can help to flush these toxins out of your body by increasing blood flow and decreasing muscle tension.

In addition, studies have found that massage can increase the effectiveness of white blood cells in destroying antigens. Furthermore, a study on mice found that massage could suppress the immunosuppressive effect of strenuous exercise by inhibiting the accumulation of inflammatory compounds.

Reduces Anxiety

Massage has been used to ease anxiety for centuries in all cultures. It works by stimulating the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which activates the relaxation response and lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, which alleviates stress and reduces feelings of anxiousness. It also increases the amount of serotonin available in your body, which helps regulate moods and decreases anxiety symptoms.

It’s also been found that when people feel cared for, they are more willing to open up and discuss psychological issues like depression and anxiety. This is why many hospitals and clinics have started to incorporate massage therapy into their treatment plans, especially for patients with mental health issues.

One of the most important ways massage alleviates anxiety is by reducing stress hormone levels, which helps lower your heart rate and blood pressure. It also improves circulation and increases your oxygen flow, which all contribute to lowering your overall level of stress and reducing the effects of anxiety on your body.

In addition, it’s important to get regular massages because they balance your energy levels and help the body manage stress. For example, if you’re feeling stressed before an exam or big presentation at work, a massage can help calm the mind and give your body a much-needed boost of energy.

A deep tissue massage is a good option for anxiety because it targets tight muscles that can cause discomfort. You can wear lightweight clothes or be fully or partially undressed for this type of massage, which usually lasts 60 to 90 minutes. Another option is reflexology, which is gentler than a deep tissue massage and works by applying pressure to different points in your feet, hands, and ears. A 2018 study found that reflexology decreased anxiety in people who underwent cardiovascular procedures.

If you’re pregnant, be careful to avoid certain types of massages because some techniques can induce contractions and preterm labor if they are applied too vigorously or on certain areas of the body. For this reason, it’s best to see a trained professional who knows the ins and outs of pregnancy and massage.